How many emails do you junk without reading each week? Each DAY? I know I dump loads every single day. Other than emails from work or friends, the only ones I open religiously are either: Need-to-know-now communication from my family’s various activities or groups A discount on a product or service I happen to need…
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Recent Posts
“Cave Real Estate” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This week we have a cartoon by Charlie Hankin. A realtor is showing a cave to a couple who are presumably in the market for a new home, there’s a “for sale” sign in front of the cave, the realtor is addressing the couple (and therefore delivering the line that will serve as your caption),…
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Anatomy of a Cartoon: Immigration
Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics examine cartoons about immigration. Phil: Immigration is the issue of the day, so let’s jump on that bandwagon. Rex: As long as it’s not a cartoon caravan. Phil: Well, our fine cartoonists have…
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“Square Wheels” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Here we have another drawing by Benjamin Schwartz. It shows a caveman proudly displaying his latest invention, a square-wheeled tricycle, to his neighbor. The tricycle needs round wheels. The invention of such wheels is credited, at least in cartoons, to cavemen. Initially, therefore, I came up with eight variations on a joke about a caveman…
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“Baby Interrogation” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
The contest that ended last week featured a drawing by Benjamin Schwartz. Through a two-way mirror we see a baby in a police interrogation room—he’s sitting in a highchair—while outside this room a male cop says something to his female partner. In movies, cops who are frustrated in their efforts to get a suspect to…
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