“Well, that’s embarrassing.” So began my submission to The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest (#665), and it explains how I feel after my entry made it to the finalists’ round but then came in last. Congratulations to the winner, Judy Kramer of Broomfield, Colorado, and the first runner-up, Andrew R. Blanford of Santa Barbara, California….
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“Modern Rapunzel” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Jack Ziegler updated a German fairy tale by turning Rapunzel’s tower into an apartment building. She’s leaning out a fourth story window and letting her long hair cascade down to the sidewalk below, where a man is standing in front of the building’s entrance and shouting up to her. My first several captions identify easier…
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Create Better Presentations with License Packs and our FREE ebook
Have you ever been caught elbowing your way into a conference room because a Powerpoint presentation is about to start and you don’t want to miss one single minute? No? There’s a reason the phrase “death by Powerpoint” is so ubiquitous, and has inspired cartoons such as this gem by Liam Walsh: We’ve got tools…
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“Castle Clown” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Before we get to this week’s commentary, I want to let you know that I am for the first time in more than two years a finalist in that other caption contest at the New Yorker. I’ll let you know in two weeks whether I can claim my eighth victory, or whether I have lost…
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“Casual Guy” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Ellis Rosen’s cartoon is set in an office. A casually dressed man sitting at his desk is looking at an older and even more casually dressed man wearing nothing but briefs and socks. In his left hand the nearly naked man is holding a file, and he’s saying something to the guy at the desk….
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