Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at football. The annual journey to the Super Bowl is underway in packed stadiums filled with roaring fans. For the masses, however, the temple of their fevered partisanship is at…
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Recent Posts
“Witch Pool” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Drew Panckeri has drawn a witch addressing an adult couple she has turned into inflatable pool floats. I first imagined her chastising the couple for complaining: “You’re lucky I turned you into something that floats.” “One more word and I’ll turn you both into stones.” “You know what they’d do to me if I floated?…
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Book Tour Dates: Have I Got a Cartoon For You!
Bob Mankoff will be on tour across the country to promote the new book: Have I Got a Cartoon for You!: The Moment Magazine Book of Jewish Cartoons Sunday, October 27: 3:00 – 4:00pm Tampa JCCs and Federation, Tampa Fl Thursday, November 7: 7:00 – 8:00pm Mandel Jewish Community Center Beachwood, OH Wednesday, Nov 13:…
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“RoboComic” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Pat Byrnes has drawn a comedy club full of robots. An audience member is heckling the comic on stage and delivering the line that will serve as the caption. I therefore thought the caption should be an insult. Because robots are metal, and metal rusts, my first insult alludes to the title of Neil Young’s…
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Liana Finck: Excuse Me: Cartoons, Complaints, and Notes to Self
Cartoonist Liana Finck’s work has been appearing in The New Yorker since 2015. Since then, she’s amassed an impressive following on Instagram (323k at this writing). Her savvy publisher took note and released a book of her Instagram drawings, Excuse Me: Cartoons, Complaints, and Notes to Self featuring 500 of her signature, personal-yet-universal drawings. We…
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