P.C. Vey’s cartoon is set in a police station, where a fisherman is looking at a line-up of five fish who are wearing numbers for identification. A plainclothes detective is looking at the fish and speaking, though it’s not clear whether she’s addressing the fish, the fisherman, or the armed and uniformed officer standing behind…
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Dec 5th, Swann Gallery: Panel Discussion and Auction Preview
Still Reading It for the Cartoons: Changing Production Methods & Public Perception in Illustration Thursday, December 5 6:00 to 8:00 PM At Swann Auction Galleries: 104 East 25th Street, Fl. 5, New York, NY 10010 Hear from cartoonists Emily Flake and Benjamin Schwartz, both regular contributors to The New Yorker, alongside Swann Galleries specialist Christine…
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Dec 4th: Bob Mankoff and Roz Chast Talk Jewish Humor
Dec 4th, 7:30 pm Buttenwieser Hall, 92nd Street Y, NYC Come prepared to laugh your head off and then right back on as former New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff and the iconic Roz Chast Jewsplain how The People of The Book became The People of The Joke in honor of the new Have I…
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Cartoons for Teachers: Reach Your Students with Humor
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Cartoons for Lawyers: Market Your Practice with Humor
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