John Klossner’s drawing appears to be inspired by that bizarre Cialis commercial in which an older naked couple holds hands while bathing in separate tubs in the middle of nature. Almost all of my captions, therefore, allude to that commercial: “You went to all this trouble and forgot the pill?” “Couldn’t you have drawn inspiration…
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Recent Posts
“I Hope This Finds You Well”
I had stopped using that bit of boilerplate in emails a while ago because it felt meaningless. Now it’s too loaded with meaning to use without quotation marks. But I do hope this finds you well even if you are, like so many of us, among the worried well. I’m in that group, but pretty…
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“Beaver Dam” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Tom Toro’s drawing is set in a kitchen, where two beavers (who appear to be a married couple) are staring at a pile of sticks in the sink. The female beaver is speaking. Because beavers use sticks to build dams near streams and rivers, my first caption is, “Must you every time you hear running…
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Mick Stevens Cartoons: EXCLUSIVELY on
Licensing for New Yorker cartoonist Mick Steven is now exclusively available on CartoonStock! Mick Steven’s first cartoon was accepted at The New Yorker in 1979. His work has appeared in several other publications, among them The Harvard Business Review, Barron’s, The National Law Journal, and USA Weekend. His published books include If Ducks Carried Guns,…
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Keep Calm and Cartoon On
Wow, what a difference a week makes. Last week I wasn’t too worried, and this week I might be worried too much–if that’s possible. Last week concerns about the virus made it easy to get a table at my favorite New York City restaurant, and this week it’s closed. I’m not an alarmist by nature….
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