John Klossner’s cartoon is set in a conference room. Three unicorns in business suits are meeting with a man. One of these mythological creatures is holding a document (maybe a report or a resume) and addressing the man. I first imagined they were discussing sales figures and projections: “Are these numbers real?” “If we don’t improve…
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No Place but Home
Spring is here, and vacation season should be just around the corner. Or is it actually around the corner after that? Or maybe no vacation at all while we’re cornered at home? Whose fault is this? Pretty obvious. Other people. Lots of them. Fortunately, there’s plenty of blame to go around, which is better than…
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Anatomy of a Cartoon: Triumph of the Introverts
Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at introverts. Lockdown … social distance … shelter-in-place. These terms cause the extroverts among us to quail, “Will this ever end?” For another group, however, those concepts are gifts from…
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“Tiny House” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Jon Adams’s drawing, a bearded man with long white hair is standing barefoot in the doorway of a small house in the woods and saying something to a disgruntled woman who’s walking away with a duffle bag. He looks reluctant to move beyond the doorway, and his left arm is extended back into the…
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Anatomy of a Cartoon: Uh-Oh, The News
Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at THE NEWS. The news these days is grim, but here’s a truism: bad news is often good news for cartoonists. An effective cartoon in bad times captures the dismal…
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