This week’s drawing is heaven-set. (I know, I know—and I claim to dislike puns.) An angel with two halos is addressing an angel with just one. In the background are five more angels, each of whom has two halos. None of the angels has wings. I first assumed the angels with two halos would feel…
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A Dog’s Life
Dating back to the 16th century, the expression “a dog’s life” alludes to a miserable existence. But times they are a-changing. My dogs, Todo and Alfie, live in ecstatic comfort and ease. Plus, unlike us humans, they don’t have to think about masks, and social distancing, as the photo below illustrates. Fortunately, things are easing…
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“Angry Bird” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Jon Adams’ cartoon poses an unprecedented challenge because no one in the drawing is speaking. Who, then, is delivering the line that will serve as the caption? Is someone we can’t see commenting on the bird that’s flown through the window? Should the caption reflect the bird’s thoughts? Or should the caption be the cartoon’s…
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Good Cop, Bad Cop
I recently looked back at some cartoons I did decades ago for The New Yorker featuring cops. In 1999, they were funny in a straightforward sort of way to me and the editor of The New Yorker but wouldn’t make much sense if they appeared now. And, depending on one’s view of law enforcement and…
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Anatomy of a Cartoon: The Corona Masquerade
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