Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at teacher cartoons. As children finally flood back into brick-and-mortar schools, we pause to pay homage to those on the educational front lines: the teachers. Though underpaid and underappreciated,…
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“Lucky Rabbit” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Vaughan Tomlinson has put a sick twist on what was already a pretty depraved custom: wearing a rabbit’s foot on a chain for good luck. In the cartoon, the rabbit is wearing a severed human foot the size of the rabbit’s entire body on a chain around his neck. I first focused on the weight…
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Anatomy of a Cartoon: Home Remodel
Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at home remodeling cartoons. One of the less horrifying consequences of the Covid pandemic has been the surge in home remodeling. Apparently, people cooped up for months at home…
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Back to School Cartoons
It’s finally that time again. Kids are heading back to school with big backpacks full of CDC-approved masks. Here’s our hand-picked, algorithm-free selection of top back-to-school cartoons for you to love and license. BUY THIS CARTOON BUY THIS CARTOON BUY THIS CARTOON BUY THIS CARTOON BUY THIS CARTOON BUY THIS CARTOON BUY THIS CARTOON MORE…
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“Recycled Cartoon” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Beth Lawler, who co-hosts the Cartoon Caption Contest Podcast, immediately recognized this drawing by Jason Patterson. “This week’s contest,” she wrote to Bob Mankoff and me, “[features] a published New Yorker cartoon from 2005.” She urged us to refrain from choosing the published caption as the winning entry and even suggested that we scrap this…
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