This month we were joined by cartoonist Derek Evernden. His drawing is set in a restaurant, where a young couple are no longer enjoying what was a romantic dinner. The woman is sitting with her arms folded across her chest after having just used a fork to stab her date in the forehead. Her man…
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“Injured Egg” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month’s contest featured a cartoon by the legendary Mick Stevens, whose work has appeared regularly in The New Yorker since 1979. It’s also featured on the cover of my book, which I’m hoping you’ll buy: In Stevens’ cartoon, two anthropomorphic and identically dressed eggs are standing in front of a high brick wall. One…
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“Clown Wrestler” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month we were joined by New Yorker cartoonist Rich Sparks, whose band, The Last Afternoons, just released their latest album, “Deadfall.” You should buy it, along with Sparks’s cartoon collection, “Love and Other Weird Things,” which Roz Chast blurbed even though she says she is “trying to get out of the blurb game.” Sparks’s…
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“Fairytale Ending” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month’s contest featured a drawing by New Yorker cartoonist Glen Le Lievre. It’s set in a dingy apartment, where a princess who’s wearing a hennin—a headdress in the shape of a cone—is sitting on a couch next to a fat unicorn who’s smoking. They’re watching TV. The end table next to the unicorn, and…
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“Dracula and the Tailor” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month’s contest features a drawing by New Yorker cartoonist Seth Fleishman. It’s set in a tailor’s fitting room, where Dracula is wearing a long black cloak with a blood-red fringe around the collar and looking at himself in a triple dressing mirror. He cannot, of course, see his reflection. Dracula has his back to…
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