The nights are getting chilly and the smell of pumpkin-spice everything is in the air. It can only mean one thing, fall has arrived! Here’s our hand-picked, unscented selection of favorite autumn cartoons for you to love and license. BUY THIS CARTOON BUY THIS CARTOON BUY THIS CARTOON BUY THIS CARTOON BUY THIS CARTOON BUY…
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“Horse Heaven” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In David Borchart’s cartoon, two recently deceased men in a pantomime horse wait outside the Pearly Gates. Before admitting them to the kingdom of heaven, St. Peter is checking his book for their names. The man in the back half of the horse is saying something to the guy in front. I first focused on…
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Facebook Live: Bob Mankoff in Conversation with Pablo Suarez About How Cartoons Save the World!
During this Facebook Live, former longtime 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘠𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳 Cartoon Editor Bob Mankoff speaks with researcher, humanitarian, and game designer Pablo Suarez about his work creating Cartoonathons in a lively, humor-filled discussion of the problem-solving power of cartoons.
Facebook Live with Pablo Suarez: How Cartoon Humor Can Help Organizations Improve Communication
“Even before the pandemic, it was clear we needed to reimagine how we engage. Humor was the answer.” Do you ever face tricky situations on the job communicating and collaborating with others? Whether you work for a small not-for-profit, big business, or anything in between, if you’re interested in teamwork and creative problem solving, then…
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A New Frontier For Cartooning – Plus a $100,000 Prize Pool Contest!!
Hi All, As a supporter of cartoonists and cartooning in all its forms, I’m always excited to share new tools that might help create a bigger audience for cartoons – and a chance to make more money! To that end, please welcome Cartoonanaut Bob Eckstein, who boldly goes where no cartoonist has gone before. Bob’s…
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