Insurance — Everyone Needs It! If you’re an insurance agent, you’re often called upon to demonstrate the advantages of your products with a presentation. Connecting with your prospects is easier when you add humor, especially in our online, pandemic world. But whether in person or over Zoom, a visual ice-breaker will grab your audience’s attention….
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Anatomy of a Cartoon: Broadway Is Back
Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at Broadway. Well, sort of. Covid darkened theaters along the Great White Way. Many re-opened, only to close again. Some shows have gone on hiatus, while others had to…
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Cartoons for Doctors: Presenting with Humor
Three out of four doctors recommend cartoons to make their presentations more memorable. Is that really true? Well, according to the National Academy of Sciences, “A striking characteristic of human memory is that pictures are remembered better than words.” And what are cartoons if not pictures? Plus, cartoons entertain your audience. Adding medical cartoons to…
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“Fighting Father” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Liam Walsh’s cartoon is set in a bar, where a bespectacled man—presumably the father of the toddler who’s strapped to his back—is about to have a fistfight with another man. The father’s left hand is balled into a fist, and he’s pointing his right index finger at the other man, who’s assumed the fighting stance….
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Anatomy of a Cartoon: Apartment Living
Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at apartment living. One of life’s major passages is moving into an apartment of one’s own. Whether shabby or snazzy, that first apartment is often the launching pad to…
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