This month we were joined by New Yorker cartoonist Sarah Morrissette, who lives in Vienna. Her cartoon, which is set on the outside deck of what looks to be a very nice vacation home or rental, is a twist on the Goldilocks story. A fully-dressed blond girl is relaxing in a hot tub while the…
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Stay Tooned Issue #19
Welcome to the latest issue of STAY TOONED, where you’ll find everything you ever wanted to know about cartoons. Each month, we bring you updates and features on the world of cartooning, including cartoonist profiles and interviews, book excerpts, special cartoon features, cartoon games such as the Caption Contest, products, and so much more.
Anatomy of a Cartoon: Psyche of the Cartoonist
Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at Desert Island Cliché. Ever wondered about the personality behind the cartoonist’s pen? CartoonStock’s latest sponsored book, Funny Stuff: How Great Cartoonists Make Great Cartoons, tackles that question in…
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Spotlight: The Jump Scare
Ready or not, the news is always happening. Good or bad, these popular news cartoons will generate some grins in your next newsletter, social, or email campaign.
“Demon in the Parking Lot” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month we were joined by David Borchart. Unlike his fellow New Yorker cartoonists who think of jokes and then draw them up, David comes up with the drawing first and then tries to think of a fitting caption. In other words, he does what everyone who enters the caption contest is trying to do. …
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