Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at air travel. The news from every direction is bleak and getting worse: Ukraine, climate change, the stock market. When things get bad, we want a break. Better yet,…
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“Caveman and St. Peter” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Sarah Morrissette’s cartoon is set in heaven, where St. Peter is standing at the Pearly Gates. Open in front of him is a book containing the names of the deceased, and he’s addressing a caveman holding a club in his right hand. My first caption acknowledges the difficulty of looking up a caveman’s name: “Spell…
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Spotlight: The News
Ready or not, the news is always happening. Good or bad, these popular news cartoons will generate some grins in your next newsletter, social, or email campaign.
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“Big Banana” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Shannon Wheeler’s cartoon, an ape and his son hold hands while looking at a giant unpeeled banana. The father is speaking. I first thought the banana could serve multiple purposes: “And when I die you can bury me in it.” I then thought of the advice given to people who are trying to lose…
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