Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at Crime and Punishment. Long-running television dramas, such as the CSI series, attest to our enduring fascination with crime and punishment. Likewise, cartoonists find the subject irresistible, as over…
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Recent Posts
What is a Dry Sense of Humor?
Usually, when a person is joking, it’s obvious. The person is smiling, and their face is animated and happy. But for “dry humor,” this ‘I’m telling a joke face” is a no- no. The joke must be delivered totally deadpan. Dry humor requires both regular smarts and social intelligence. That’s why is both used and…
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Stay Tooned Issue #4
Welcome to the latest issue of STAY TOONED, where you’ll find everything you ever wanted to know about cartoons. Each month, we bring you updates and features on the world of cartooning, including cartoonist profiles and interviews, book excerpts, special cartoon features, cartoon games such as the Caption Contest, products, and so much more.
Anatomy of a Cartoon: Twitter
Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at Twitter. The news is dominated by Elon Musk’s bid to acquire Twitter, so it’s time to re-examine this peculiar social media institution. The idea that millions of followers…
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“Grandma and the Wolf” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Meredith Southard’s cartoon changes the ending of a popular fairytale by having Little Red Riding Hood enter her grandmother’s house to find the old woman tying the wolf to a chair. Hanging on the wall behind the grandmother are framed photos suggesting she was able to subdue the wolf because she works out. In the…
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