Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at Television. The news is coming thick and fast these days: congressional hearings, court decisions, armed conflicts. We get updates on our phone apps, but lots of content still…
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Recent Posts
Want An Easy Way To Write Jokes?
BUY THIS CARTOON Easy, but that doesn’t always mean quick! Before you start drawing cartoons or thinking up captions for competitions, the first skill you want to develop is an easy method of stimulating your own imagination to come up with lots of different thoughts and ideas that you can build upon. If you have…
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“Demonic Playdate” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Before I explain how I came up with a few captions for Shannon Wheeler’s drawing and highlight the best of your entries, here’s a message from Bob Mankoff: “Congratulations to all of you who entered our new Cash-Prize contest! You did something most people can’t do and that’s come up with any caption at…
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Stay Tooned Issue #5
Welcome to the latest issue of STAY TOONED, where you’ll find everything you ever wanted to know about cartoons. Each month, we bring you updates and features on the world of cartooning, including cartoonist profiles and interviews, book excerpts, special cartoon features, cartoon games such as the Caption Contest, products, and so much more.
“Prehistoric Washer” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Kaamran Hafeez’s cartoon is set in a cave, where two cavemen are looking at a washing machine. One of the cavemen is speaking. Because the cavemen are wearing animal skins, which wouldn’t do well in a washing machine, I initially came up with these three captions: “But everything we have is dry-clean only.” “Nothing we…
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