Cartoons make us laugh. Politics, in general, does the opposite. I’ve seen it time after time when I tell someone what I do for work—nothing wipes a smile off a person’s face faster than admitting you work in politics. I get it. Politics is dirty. It’s divisive. It’s angry. Maybe you’ve seen it in your…
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Political Cartoons: The Power of Humor in a Divisive World
Anatomy of a Cartoon: Dating
Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at Dating. Phil: Why do you suppose so many cartoons are set in bars? Rex: Because bars are the perfect place for drunken confessions, failed pick-up efforts, and public…
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Stay Tooned Issue #15
Welcome to the latest issue of STAY TOONED, where you’ll find everything you ever wanted to know about cartoons. Each month, we bring you updates and features on the world of cartooning, including cartoonist profiles and interviews, book excerpts, special cartoon features, cartoon games such as the Caption Contest, products, and so much more.
“Canine Graduation” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month our panel of judges included the cartoonist Jason Adam Katzenstein. His captionless drawing is set at a graduation ceremony, where a dog is delivering the commencement address to a class of graduating canines. Jason’s original caption mocked the commencement speaker who starts his address by providing the dictionary definition of a word he…
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