Last Friday, while scrolling through Facebook, we found this deeply dark, wonderfully satiric cartoon by CartoonStock artist Ron Hauge whose specialty is skewering Donald Trump. In this case, the skewering was of that arch Trumpian Rush Limbaugh after The Donald awarded The Rush the medal of freedom. The good news is that this wonderful cartoon…
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Credit where Credit is Due
“Ghost Date” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Ellis Rosen’s cartoon, a woman at an outdoor café is having a glass of wine with a ghost. The woman is speaking. Ghosting is defined as “the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication,” so I came up with these two captions: “I hope…
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Anatomy of a Cartoon: Valentine’s Day
Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at Valentine’s Day. February 14—for some a day of love, for others a day of regret and disappointment. Such a broad range of emotions inspires cartoonists to consider Valentine’s Day…
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“Caged Man” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Chris Weyant’s cartoon, two women are having tea in a living room. Behind the woman who’s speaking is a man in a large bird cage. Because the man’s confined I thought he might be under house arrest and enduring an uncomfortable alternative to electronic monitoring: “They ran out of ankle bracelets.” I next assumed…
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