Licensing for New Yorker cartoonist Mick Steven is now exclusively available on CartoonStock! Mick Steven’s first cartoon was accepted at The New Yorker in 1979. His work has appeared in several other publications, among them The Harvard Business Review, Barron’s, The National Law Journal, and USA Weekend. His published books include If Ducks Carried Guns,…
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Mick Stevens Cartoons: EXCLUSIVELY on
Keep Calm and Cartoon On
Wow, what a difference a week makes. Last week I wasn’t too worried, and this week I might be worried too much–if that’s possible. Last week concerns about the virus made it easy to get a table at my favorite New York City restaurant, and this week it’s closed. I’m not an alarmist by nature….
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How to Manage COVID-19, aka Coronavirus, in Cartoons!
With COVID-19 wreaking havoc around the world, it’s a good time to remember that humor will survive even the hardiest virus. In fact, cartoons are a great way to help reinforce vital messages, such as the importance of social distancing and staying in if at all possible. Here’s a handy guide, in cartoons, of what…
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“Cinderella” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Danny Shanahan’s cartoon is set in a bar, where a princess—a Disney princess? Cinderella?—is saying something to the bartender and pushing what appears to be an empty martini glass toward him. Assuming the princess is Cinderella, I tried to figure out why she was drinking: “He seems more charming when I’ve had a few.” “The…
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