Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at Zoom meetings. Every so often a technology penetrates our society with astonishing speed. Galvanized by the coronavirus lockdown, millions downloaded and began using their first video-conferencing application, Zoom….
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Anatomy of a Cartoon: The Zoom Phenomenon
How to Improve your Presentation with Cartoons
Last week we explored some of the benefits of using cartoons in your communications and presentations: cartoons grab your attention, reinforce your message, make it memorable, keep your audience engaged, and let your audience see your human side. This week I’m going to show you some examples specific to improving your presentations. You can apply…
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Case Study: Harnessing Humor to enable difficult conversations
Helping increase engagement with the World Bank’s “Government Accountability and Citizen Engagement” Session At CartoonStock, we talk a lot about how humor can be used in business to drive home your message, engage with customers, build relationships, entertain and earn attention. These same advantages can be applied well beyond the business world, as evidenced by…
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“Trash Day” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Ben Schwartz’s cartoon is set in the hallway of an apartment building. A resident holding a small garbage bag is standing in the doorway of his unit and addressing a suspicious-looking character who’s about to shove into the trash chute what looks like a dead body wrapped in plastic and secured with rope. I first…
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