BUY THIS CARTOON Easy, but that doesn’t always mean quick! Before you start drawing cartoons or thinking up captions for competitions, the first skill you want to develop is an easy method of stimulating your own imagination to come up with lots of different thoughts and ideas that you can build upon. If you have…
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How to use cartoons
What is a Dry Sense of Humor?
Usually, when a person is joking, it’s obvious. The person is smiling, and their face is animated and happy. But for “dry humor,” this ‘I’m telling a joke face” is a no- no. The joke must be delivered totally deadpan. Dry humor requires both regular smarts and social intelligence. That’s why is both used and…
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Cartoons for Doctors: Presenting with Humor
Three out of four doctors recommend cartoons to make their presentations more memorable. Is that really true? Well, according to the National Academy of Sciences, “A striking characteristic of human memory is that pictures are remembered better than words.” And what are cartoons if not pictures? Plus, cartoons entertain your audience. Adding medical cartoons to…
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Add Humor to Spice Up Your Content Marketing
Is your brain frequently operating on overload? You’re not alone. The average person receives between 4,000 to 10,000 messages each day. Perhaps fewer than 100 are actually “noticed” in a meaningful way and the time spent actively reading an ad, email, or blog post is about one minute! BUY THIS CARTOON So how can you…
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