In Amy Kurzweil’s cartoon, a young woman in a bathrobe is showing another woman, who’s fully though casually dressed, her bedroom closet. Inside the closet, neatly arranged on the shelves, are several large jars, each of which contains a human brain floating in some kind of solution and attached to tubes. The woman in the…
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Caption Contest Commentary
“Cat House” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month the cartoonist, Lynn Hsu, joined our panel of judges. Her drawing is set on a residential street where a realtor is showing to a potentially interested buyer a huge cat tower that’s for sale. The realtor is gesturing toward the property and saying something. Hsu’s original caption reconciles the disparate elements (cats and…
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“Tiny Aliens” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month the cartoonist, Juan Astasio Soriano, joined our panel of judges from Madrid. His drawing is set on a busy sidewalk, where two tiny aliens with ray guns have emerged from their flying saucers. They’re surrounded by and at risk of being squashed to death by huge pedestrians, whom we see only from the…
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“Many Beavers” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month the cartoonist, Dan Misdea, joined our panel of judges. His drawing is set in a living room, where a man and woman are sitting on their couch. They’re surrounded by beavers, most of whom are gnawing on the furniture. One beaver is on the woman’s head and another is on her right shoulder….
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