This month’s contest featured a drawing by New Yorker cartoonist Jason Chatfield, who joined our judges’ panel to help select the winning entry and five runners-up. His drawing is set in a bar where a baby is sitting on a stool, looking down at his shot glass, and saying something to the bartender and other…
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Caption Contest Commentary
“Mattress Store” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month’s contest featured a drawing by Lila Ash, with whom I’ve collaborated on New Yorker cartoons. Here’s my favorite: Lila has a terrific new book, “decodependence—a romantic tragicomic,” that you should all buy. (Speaking of books you should purchase, mine comes out on June 4, 2024, but you can pre-order it here: Lila’s…
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“Office Hell” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month’s contest featured a drawing by New Yorker cartoonist Drew Panckeri, who helped us pick the winning entry and five runners-up. His drawing is set in an office, where a man in a cubicle is addressing a female co-worker. Behind them is a hellish landscape. There are flames everywhere, and in the distance we…
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“Dorothy and the Doctors” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
This month’s contest featured a cartoon by Robert Leighton, whose work and insights appear throughout my upcoming book, “Your Caption Has Been Selected—More than anyone could possibly want to know about The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest,” which will be published on June 4, 2024. (I decided to change things up this month by opening…
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