In Bob Eckstein’s Halloween-themed cartoon, a woman dressed as a witch is holding a bowl of candy and saying something to a child dressed as the Capitol. A couple pieces of candy have fallen out of the bowl, perhaps to indicate that the woman was truly startled. To the left of the kid dressed as…
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Caption Contest Commentary
“Shark Therapy” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
I was twelve years old in 1974, when I first saw a paperback copy of “Jaws.” On the front cover a great white shark rose from the depths toward a naked woman swimming on the surface. And there, together, were my two greatest fears: sharks and naked women. My fear of naked women was complicated—it…
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“Crime Scene” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Pat Byrnes’ crime scene, a detective is looking at the chalk outline of a dismembered body and saying something to a uniformed officer. My first idea was to have the detective state the obvious: “I suspect foul play.” “I’m ruling out suicide.” Then, because the six body parts look like puzzle pieces, I considered…
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“Bowling” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
“Rapid Fire,” a 1992 action film starring Bruce Lee’s son, Brandon, is not a great movie—the late film critic, Gene Siskel, declared it a disaster—but Powers Booth has one great scene in it. He plays Lieutenant Mace Ryan. While bowling with his colleagues he tries to get a spare and leaves just one pin standing….
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