In Chris Weyant’s cartoon, two women are having tea in a living room. Behind the woman who’s speaking is a man in a large bird cage. Because the man’s confined I thought he might be under house arrest and enduring an uncomfortable alternative to electronic monitoring: “They ran out of ankle bracelets.” I next assumed…
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Caption Contest Commentary
“Naughty Angels” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Drew Panckeri’s cartoon, three angels are lounging around heaven—smoking, drinking and reclining on the clouds. The angel with a martini in his hand is looking over his shoulder at someone or something, and delivering the line that will serve as the caption. My first caption alludes to God and an approach that groups like…
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“Flasher” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Carolita Johnson’ s cartoon, an unshaven flasher wearing a watchman’s cap and a headband with eyeball boppers is harassing a woman who’s turned her back to him. The flasher is speaking. I first imagined the flasher hoping against hope for a date: “Well, then, how about tomorrow night?” I next pictured him getting defensive…
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“Group Therapy” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In John Klossner’s cartoon, every patient in a group therapy session is lying on their own couch and staring at the ceiling with their hands on their abdomens. The therapist is speaking. Because there are so many patients I immediately thought of multiple personality disorders. Instead of making a joke about one patient with dissociative…
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