In Dave Borchart’s cartoon, two men, stranded in a lifeboat, are staring at a trombone lying between them. The man with his arms crossed is speaking. Many people, myself included, wish they could play an instrument but never thought they had enough time to learn—an excuse that’s no longer available to the men in the…
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Caption Contest Commentary
“Ghost Date” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Ellis Rosen’s cartoon, a woman at an outdoor café is having a glass of wine with a ghost. The woman is speaking. Ghosting is defined as “the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication,” so I came up with these two captions: “I hope…
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“Caged Man” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Chris Weyant’s cartoon, two women are having tea in a living room. Behind the woman who’s speaking is a man in a large bird cage. Because the man’s confined I thought he might be under house arrest and enduring an uncomfortable alternative to electronic monitoring: “They ran out of ankle bracelets.” I next assumed…
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“Naughty Angels” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Drew Panckeri’s cartoon, three angels are lounging around heaven—smoking, drinking and reclining on the clouds. The angel with a martini in his hand is looking over his shoulder at someone or something, and delivering the line that will serve as the caption. My first caption alludes to God and an approach that groups like…
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