New Yorker cartoonist J.C. Duffy submitted the drawing for this month’s caption contest. It’s set in a living room, where a happy dog with wings is hovering in the air and addressing a middle-age balding man who’s wearing pants pulled up a little too high on his waist. On the wall to the dog’s right…
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Caption Contest Commentary
“Cat Rap” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
New Yorker cartoonist Farley Katz submitted the drawing for this month’s caption contest. Unfortunately, he wasn’t available to help us judge the entries because he was promoting his upcoming graphic novel, “UNALIVE THE BILLIONAIRE$.” I haven’t seen it yet, but based on Katz’s past work I’m assuming it’s dark and brilliant and funny. Timely, too. …
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“Adam and Eve and the Leaves” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
New Yorker cartoonist Tom Toro helped judge this month’s contest, which featured his drawing and elicited more than 500 entries. (If you like Toro’s work, you can find two of his best cartoons on pages 115 and 214 of my book on the caption contest.) The drawing is set in the Garden of Eden, where…
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“Fish Lures in Museum” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
New Yorker cartoonist Chris Gural helped us judge this month’s contest, which featured his drawing. It’s set in a museum, where two fish are looking at paintings of lures. The fish on the left is speaking. Chris’s original caption was a pun that alluded to the outrageous cost of collecting original art: “I bought this…
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