On the one hand, I’ve been tethered in place for the last two months. But on the other, I’ve been Zooooooooooooooooming all over the place—teaching a class on The New Yorker caption contest down at Washington and Lee University in Virginia, doing presentations on Jewish humor at JCCs all around the country, and joining a…
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Bob's Cartoon Lounge
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The question I get most often as a cartoonist—besides “where do you get your ideas” (Ans. Cleveland)—is “what comes first, the caption or the picture?” For a cartoon with no caption at all, the answer is obvious. And interestingly enough, for the kind of word-centric cartoonist that I eventually became, in my early New Yorker…
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No Place but Home
Spring is here, and vacation season should be just around the corner. Or is it actually around the corner after that? Or maybe no vacation at all while we’re cornered at home? Whose fault is this? Pretty obvious. Other people. Lots of them. Fortunately, there’s plenty of blame to go around, which is better than…
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Mom’s the Word
Mother’s Day is on the way. Six days and counting. Mother’s Day has been going on since 1908, which, coincidentally, is the year my mother Mollie was born. Just a coincidence? I think yes. I owe a lot to my mom. She discouraged me from being a cartoonist, and without that discouragement, I wouldn’t have…
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