Why is Wiley Miller such a big seller on CartoonStock? In part, it’s because he is a big seller everywhere — Wiley is the creator of the popular Non Sequitur comic strip, syndicated to over 800 newspapers in 20 countries. While I wouldn’t usually quote directly from Wikipedia, they’ve done a good job explaining his achievement and his appeal. “[Wiley’s] work is characterized by wry wit and trenchant social satire…. [His] is the only cartoon to win National Cartoonists Society Divisional Awards in both the comic strip and comic panel categories, and Miller is the only cartoonist to win an NCS Divisional Award in his first year of syndication…. In 2013 he won the National Cartoonist Society ‘Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year.'” Say no more. ~ Joel Mishon, Director, CartoonStock