Licensing for New Yorker cartoonist Matt Diffee is now exclusively available on CartoonStock! Matthew Diffee is a self-proclaimed ‘Tex Yorker’ living in LA. His cartoons have been appearing in The New Yorker since 1999 and have also appeared in Time, The Huffington Post, The Believer, and Texas Monthly magazines. He is the editor of three volumes of “The…
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J. B. Handelsman Cartoons: EXCLUSIVELY on
Licensing for New Yorker cartoonist J. B. Handelsman is now exclusively available on CartoonStock! J. B. Handelsman drew nearly a thousand New Yorker cartoons (and five covers), published between 1961 and 2007. His work also appeared regularly in Playboy and the British humorous magazine Punch. Handelsman may be better known for his captions than for…
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Leo Cullum Cartoons: EXCLUSIVELY on
Licensing for New Yorker cartoonist Leo Cullum is now exclusively available on CartoonStock! Leo Cullum, a TWA pilot, was a cartoonist The New Yorker for 33 years. Cullum published 819 cartoons in The New Yorker, many gathered in the collections “Scotch & Toilet Water?,” a book of dog cartoons; “Cockatiels for Two” (cats); “Tequila Mockingbird”…
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With All Due Disrespect
Last week I wrote and asked for topic suggestions for my blog–and I got an enthusiastic response, including kazoo funerals, crochet bombing, star-nosed moles, Plutarch, medical indexing, and catfish noodling, which, as it turns out, is a real thing. It’s gross, but at least it’s not catfish canoodling, which would be an order of magnitude…
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