During this Facebook Live, Bob talks about his time as The New Yorker Cartoon Editor, about his creative process, and how to stimulate yours.
Anatomy of a Cartoon: Prison
Cartoon critics Phil Witte and Rex Hesner look behind the gags to debate what makes a cartoon tick. This week our intrepid critics take a look at jail time. The many months of Covid lockdown may seem like prison. Of course, real prison is far worse. Therefore, it may seem strange that cartoonists can extract…
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“Panini Press” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In E.S. Glenn’s cartoon, a panini press is saying something to a toaster. Judging from the swinging door, they appear to be in a commercial kitchen. The panini-press looks friendly and encouraging, so I first imagined he was trying to build up the smaller appliance’s self-esteem: “Are you kidding? I’d give anything to make bread…
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“Black Gold” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Maddie Dai’s drawing, a couple is sitting together having tea while surrounded by barrels of oil. The man is checking his phone and saying something to his wife. I first assumed this was a reference to the reduced demand for oil (a consequence of the pandemic) that has forced companies like Exxon and Mobil…
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