In Lars Kenseth’s cartoon, an office worker and a wizard are either in an elevator or waiting for an elevator. The wizard is carrying a cardboard box filled with files and a tape dispenser, suggesting that he was just fired and told to clear out his desk. The wizard is speaking. I first thought of…
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“Trashed Living Room” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Kendra Allenby’s cartoon, two women are in a living room, looking at a bearded man who’s seated at a table and reading the paper while surrounded by many bags of trash. Seagulls are circling and perching on these bags. The woman on the left is speaking. I first thought that the man was ignoring…
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“Hunting Suits” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Kamraan Hafeez’s two hunters are in a duck blind. They’re by the side of a pond where a few mallards are floating next to a man in a suit who’s sitting in an inner tube with a briefcase in his lap. One hunter is saying something to the other. I have never seen “Duck Dynasty”—the…
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“Book Furniture” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Jeremy Nguyen’s drawing is set in a living room, where two men are reading. All the furniture (the two chairs, the coffee and end tables) is made out of books. One man is saying something to the other. I first assumed the books are from the library: “How many times can we renew them?” “The…
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