In Robert Leighton’s cartoon, a court jester is performing a magic trick for his king. The jester has opened a box, out of which many doves have appeared and flown straight out the window. Both the king, who looks upset, and the jester, who looks surprised, are watching the doves fly away. The jester is…
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“Tiny Shopper” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Mick Stevens’s cartoon is set in a clothing store, where a very short woman addresses a sales clerk who’s standing behind a counter that’s taller than the customer. My first two captions suggest that the customer is considering ways to make the dresses fit: “What if I wash it on hot?” “Can I have it…
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“Museum Tour” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
David Ostow’s cartoon is set in a museum, where a guide leads a group from a selection of dark and disturbing works to a collection of cheerier but banal paintings. My first two captions highlight the stark contrast between the two sets of paintings: “These lack artistic merit but are far less depressing.” “Now for…
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“Fancy Dress” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Joe Dator’s cartoon is set at a private event in a fancy restaurant. The host, as well as all the men who have already been admitted to the event, are wearing suit jackets, bow ties, and denim cutoffs. The women are dressed appropriately. The host is addressing a couple who are waiting to get in….
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