Meredith Southard’s cartoon changes the ending of a popular fairytale by having Little Red Riding Hood enter her grandmother’s house to find the old woman tying the wolf to a chair. Hanging on the wall behind the grandmother are framed photos suggesting she was able to subdue the wolf because she works out. In the…
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“Two men and a rain cloud” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Kaamran Hafeez’s cartoon, two men are strolling along a sidewalk. One man is bald, holding a phone in his right hand, and carrying a briefcase with his left. The other man is carrying a briefcase in his left hand, holding a bag of groceries in his right arm, and getting soaked by his own…
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“Caveman and St. Peter” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Sarah Morrissette’s cartoon is set in heaven, where St. Peter is standing at the Pearly Gates. Open in front of him is a book containing the names of the deceased, and he’s addressing a caveman holding a club in his right hand. My first caption acknowledges the difficulty of looking up a caveman’s name: “Spell…
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“Big Banana” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
In Shannon Wheeler’s cartoon, an ape and his son hold hands while looking at a giant unpeeled banana. The father is speaking. I first thought the banana could serve multiple purposes: “And when I die you can bury me in it.” I then thought of the advice given to people who are trying to lose…
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