Welcome to our Sam Gross Artist Spotlight, part of our CartoonStock Artist Spotlights series. Sam Gross is known for his fearless humor and distinctive cartooning style, delivering punchlines that are often as surprising as they are sharp. His work covers everything from darkly absurd jokes to clever social commentary, making him one of the most…
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Joe Dator’s New Book INKED: Cartoons, Confessions, Rejected Ideas And Secret Sketches.
Hi All, A few months ago, I received an advance copy of Joe Dator’s new book, INKED: Cartoons, Confessions, Rejected Ideas And Secret Sketches. I’ve known Joe since he was a young man at loose ends in the early ’90s looking to get his act together, but not sure what that act was. By the…
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Facebook Live with Pablo Suarez: How Cartoon Humor Can Help Organizations Improve Communication
“Even before the pandemic, it was clear we needed to reimagine how we engage. Humor was the answer.” Do you ever face tricky situations on the job communicating and collaborating with others? Whether you work for a small not-for-profit, big business, or anything in between, if you’re interested in teamwork and creative problem solving, then…
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A New Frontier For Cartooning – Plus a $100,000 Prize Pool Contest!!
Hi All, As a supporter of cartoonists and cartooning in all its forms, I’m always excited to share new tools that might help create a bigger audience for cartoons – and a chance to make more money! To that end, please welcome Cartoonanaut Bob Eckstein, who boldly goes where no cartoonist has gone before. Bob’s…
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