CartoonStock Artist Spotlights: Signature Styles That Make Us Smile Introduction Welcome to CartoonStock Artist Spotlights, a series that highlights the incredible talent within our cartoon collection. At CartoonStock, we’re proud to showcase cartoonists whose work spans decades, genres, and humor styles. This feature introduces a selection of featured artists whose signature styles and creative voices…
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CartoonStock Artist Spotlights: Explore the Signature Styles of Featured Cartoonists
How to Use Cartoons in Corporate Presentations Without Looking Unprofessional
Cartoons in presentations? It might sound risky. After all, nobody wants to undermine their credibility with a joke that doesn’t land or an image that feels out of place. But when used thoughtfully, cartoons can transform a dull presentation into an engaging, memorable experience without sacrificing professionalism. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how…
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“Dog Driver” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
New Yorker cartoonist Julia Suits submitted the drawing for this month’s contest, which features a police officer who’s ordered a dog in a convertible to pull over to the side of the road. Sitting next to the dog is a cat, and in the backseat is a second dog. The police officer is writing a…
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“Unhealthy Doctor” Caption Contest Commentary with Lawrence Wood
Eisner Award-winning illustrator Peter Kuper (with whom I’ve collaborated on cartoons that have appeared in The New Yorker and MAD, where Peter has been drawing the Spy vs. Spy feature for almost thirty years) submitted the cartoon for this month’s caption contest. It’s set in a doctor’s office, where an overweight physician holds a cigar…
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